Our Philosophy

As parents and teachers, our goal is to provide nurture (Tarbiyah) so our children:


Are proud and confident in their faith


Develop excellent morals and character


Are committed to living by Islam


Have knowledge, skills and think critically

Easy to say, but how do we do it?

Tarbiyah is exceedingly difficult to measure but we know it when we see it. It’s more than memorising facts and verses. We take a holistic approach with curriculum, policies, training, and teaching methods being student centered. The school is a safe space that promotes critical thinking and students to be themselves.

After their time at Fouz, our aim is to ensure students leave with a balanced perspective of Islam and the world we live in and a positive learning experience. With strong Islamic morals, they will develop a keen attitude and commitment to the deen. This will give them the impetus to perform their ibadah (worship), consistently into their adult life and spur them on to study further.