Online Schools

What Makes Us Unique?

  • We mirror on campus with online 
  • UK based organisation understands the needs and dynamics of UK families 
  • dedicated team 
  • Local tech support and specialised teaching teams 
  • Save your children’s time and energy by studying from the comfort of home 
  • Watch them learn in class and be more involved in their learning 
  • Free up time for more enrichment and family activities 
  • Learn alongside your child 
  • Collaborate with other families 
  • Bring Islamic teachings into your home more easily 
  • Get more tailored and focussed attention based on your child’s levels and learning needs 
  • Get booster lessons outside class time 

Still Have the Personal Touch

  • See your teachers and colleagues for interactive classroom  
  • Have personal progress meetings with teachers or headteacher 
  • Use weekly online homework and performance diary on your mobile 

Online Means More Tailored

  • Very small tutor groups 
  • Students matched with same level/ability peers 
  • Better collaborations with peers

Community / Classroom Feel

  • In person meets
  • School trips
  • Assemblies
  • Chat forums

Excellent Delivery Structure

  • Adapted teaching strategies to optimise learning online 
  • Classroom resources shared with parents 
  • Competitions and projects 
  • Achievement recognition

  • We mirror on campus with online 
  • UK based organisation understands the needs and dynamics of UK families 
  • dedicated team 
  • Local tech support and specialised teaching teams 
  • Save your children’s time and energy by studying from the comfort of home 
  • Watch them learn in class and be more involved in their learning 
  • Free up time for more enrichment and family activities 
  • Learn alongside your child 
  • Collaborate with other families 
  • Bring Islamic teachings into your home more easily 
  • Get more tailored and focussed attention based on your child’s levels and learning needs 
  • Get booster lessons outside class time 
  • See your teachers and colleagues for interactive classroom  
  • Have personal progress meetings with teachers or headteacher 
  • Use weekly online homework and performance diary on your mobile 
  • Very small tutor groups 
  • Students matched with same level/ability peers 
  • Better collaborations with peers
  • In person meets
  • School trips
  • Assemblies
  • Chat forums
  • Adapted teaching strategies to optimise learning online 
  • Classroom resources shared with parents 
  • Competitions and projects 
  • Achievement recognition

Why is Fouz Online Unique?

Fouz schools online classes are a fully-fledged replica of what we teach in physical classes with Islamic studies and Arabic language being taught a fully interactive lessons – not prerecorded or one-way lectures.

Our dedicated online teachers are UK based and have previously taught the same subjects on campus.

Of course the physical element is missing but its and excellent solution for those who cannot make it to our campuses.

“Our online school has really changed the learning behaviour of distant and busy families. Parents have said that they have been personally benefitting greatly from sitting with their child and being more intimately involved in their learning”

Mohammed Ullah

What We Do

  • We provide live face-to-face online classes to children from 5-15 and adult classes targeted at parents. 
  • Our diverse curriculum covers the full range of madrasah subjects and more. Learn more about the curriculum 

What Our Parents Say

My journey with Fouz started back in 2009 when my oldest daughter attended. Time has flown and now my second daughter has almost finished her education with Fouz. This journey has had a positive impact on both of my children’s learning and understanding of Islam. Not only have they taught impeccable tajweed, but Fouz has taught my daughters important life lessons such as navigating life as British Muslim which has been invaluable. I am a very happy and satisfied parent because both my daughters have come out with such excellent quran recitation in addition to a sound knowledge of Islamic History as well as  the foundations of fiqh e.g. how to distinguish between culture and religion while respecting both. I feel so blessed as a parent that my children have had that opportunity to be taught by the teachers at Fouz and I cannot thank them enough for making it such an enjoyable experience for my children. 


Our son Bilal thoroughly enjoyed ustadha Sana’s Arabic classes. Bilal said the lessons were fun, especially the games, as they were very competitive and really made the children interact.  Ustadha’s enthusiasm & method of teaching Arabic is fun for the students and kept them entertained & focused. 

Bilal’s parents

I am very impressed with Fouz and their teaching methods. My daughter has come a long way since joining Fouz. She is able to read her Qaida pretty well and memorised many of her daily duas. She is very  fond of her Ustadahs and made some good friends too.

Zaynah’a mum

“My daughter has been attending classes at Fouz for four years now and it has been a very pleasant experience. We are so proud of how much she has achieved – in terms of her Quran recitation, the number of duas and surahs she has memorised and her understanding of Islamic Studies. A huge thanks goes to all the teachers and admin staff.
For Quran studies, Ustaadha Zohra has been great in teaching her the Tajweed rules and giving her confidence to recite the Quran at such a young age.
Ustaadha Sana’s fun and interactive way of teaching the Arabic language makes my daughter look forward to Sundays.
Ustaadha Linda has done an incredible job teaching my daughter and her peers important topics about Islam in an enjoyable way.
Although online learning has its challenges, the smaller class sizes have been beneficial as the teachers have been able to devote more time and attention to my daughter. This has helped my daughter grow in confidence and contribute more during discussions.

Amanah’s mum


“We enrolled our daughter during Ramadan at Fouz for face to face classes. Alhamdullilah we are so Pleased with her progress – thanks to the attention and quality teaching, she’s managed to catch up  (by the time we got to the end of the year) to the same level of her peers who begun in September.
My daughter enjoys her weekends at Fouz and we are proud to see her flourish; she’s learning how to read the Quran through child friendly learning activities and games and she is learning the Arabic language too.”

Zoya’s Mum


"This journey has had a positive impact on both of my children's learning and understanding of Islam. Not only have they taught impeccable tajweed, but Fouz has taught my daughters important life lessons such as navigating life as British Muslim which has been invaluable. "


"Our son Bilal thoroughly enjoyed ustadha Sunna’s Arabic classes. Bilal said the lessons were fun, especially the games, as they were very competitive and really made the children interact. Ustadha’s enthusiasm & method of teaching Arabic is fun for the students and kept them entertained & focused. "

Bilal’s parents

"We are so proud of how much she has achieved - in terms of her Quran recitation, the number of duas and surahs she has memorised and her understanding of Islamic Studies. A huge thanks goes to all the teachers and admin staff."

Amanah's mum

"My daughter enjoys her weekends at Fouz and we are proud to see her flourish; she’s learning how to read the Quran through child friendly learning activities and games and she is learning the Arabic language too."

Zoya's Mum

"I am very impressed with Fouz and their teaching methods. My daughter has come a long way since joining Fouz. She is able to read her Qaida pretty well and memorised many of her daily duas. She is very  fond of her Ustadahs and made some good friends too."

Zaynah's mum