Fees and Dates

Fouz schools relied entirely on tuition fees to cover the madrasah costs. Islamic education is not eligible for funding as many other clubs and classes may be. So our service is reliant on tuition fees from parents.

We are a non-profit school. Which means that we will charge to cover our costs and reinvest all proceeds into making our school better and raise standards for Islamic education in our communities.

Running a quality service means paying adequately for the quality time given by our team members and spending appropriately on resources and development.  

In comparison, Math, English, swimming, football, martial arts and music classes cost a lot more.

Standard Fees

For online and physical classes, our standard tuition fee is £2.73 per hour for 280 hours per year. This is for 40 weeks of classes.

This pays for wages, rent and resources and compliance.

Enrolment fee: £50.00
Termly tuition fee: £255.00

Instalments available
Early bird payment discounts apply
3+ sibling discount applies

Online Fees

The fees for the online classes is the same as the Standard Fees.

We have reduced the class numbers to very small groups to give students more teacher attention in our online classes. The cost saved from not being on campus is spent on smaller teacher to student ratios.

Have a FREE Trial!

See if our online classes are right for you

Subsidised Fees in Southall

Due to the generous support of the governing committee at Central Jamia Masjid we are able to subsidise the tuition fee to £1.71 per hour.

Enrolment fee: £50.00
Annual tuition: £480.00
Annual resource supplement (not payable in the first year): £35.00

Instalments available.

Hardship Fund

As an organization serving the community we do not want cost to be a barrier to children’s learning. For this reason we maintain a hardship fund to subsidize the fees of struggling families in financial difficulties. This is maintained through charitable donations.  

Eligibility to the Hardship fund is determined by assessing your financial situations. We will ask you to tell us about your income.