Reporting and Progress


Each student is set a learning target in every subject at the beginning of the year according to their age and prior learning.

Based on assessment of current skill level the student is placed in a group of similar ability and will be given a target milestone to reach by the end of the year.

New students will be assessed and may go through a revision or adjustment period in the beginning. Some students need to correct pronunciation and other Tajwid in previous Qur’an learning. This needs to be given careful attention.

Targets are monitored by the senior team mid-year and at the end of the year. Targets are severely affected by student absences and lack of practice at home and will be adjusted if these things are not on track.

Students are expected to memorize an average of 10 short memorization articles each year. The expected progress is based on individual ability and time invested at home.

Each year will end in a revision period of all surahs and duas memorised of all years. The assessment grade given to parents will reflect how well they have retained previously memorised articles. Teachers will then target areas of weakness at the beginning of the following year before moving onto new articles. 

These are set and agreed by subject teachers at the beginning of each year for every class group based on their age and the topics they have previously covered.  

Parents are provided with a list of planned topics at the beginning of each year and in the end of year student report.

The subject leader for Islamic Studies and Arabic Language will oversee that there is continuity of learning for students from one year to the next. 


Because madrasah hours are limited, we use continuous assessment as a method of keeping up to date with student ability levels throughout the year.

End of years assessments are used as a way of recapping material learnt through the year and as moderation for assessments through the year. We will use both sets of information to make a judgement on a student’s level.  

EOY Reports

A written report will be given to parents at the end of each academic year showing assessment results and teachers comments on the students attitude and effort towards the subject through the year.  

ClassDojo is our elecronic school diary which is viewable as an app or on a computer (web browser). We use this for teacher-parent communication such as homework, feedback, giving students progress points, tracking memorisation progress.

Check with your admin or class teacher for help with connecting to our school.


Parents Meetings

Teachers will hold brief meetings with parents twice per year. This may be in person or remotely (zoom or phone call). The meeting is used to mention students’ progress, strengths and weaknesses. It is very important that parents make time to attend these.

Parents are always welcome to ask to speak to the teacher about their child’s progress during term time. This can be done around drop off or pick up time briefly. Alternatively they can request an appointment if more time is needed. The same process is for speaking to the head teacher.

Speak to Someone

The quickest and easiest way to get an appointment to speak to the right person is to use this service to make an appointment.